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Burning Australia

Burning Australia


The fire, which has been burning for four months since September, has scorched more than 52,500 square kilometers, or nearly six million hectares. On Thursday, local people took pictures of the sky turning a dark orange under the influence of the mountain fire.

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Employees sprayed the office with alcohol to disinfect it, which caused a fire

Employees sprayed the office with alcohol to disinfect it, which caused a fire


At around 13:00 on March 2, sun xiaosen, an employee of an electromechanical company in suzhou park, jiangsu province, started a fire when he sprayed his office with 75% alcohol to disinfect it."I used 84 disinfectant to sterilize it. I thought it was a bit strong, so I sprayed a little more alcohol." Sun said he went downstairs after spraying the alcohol. Can just walk to the head of the stairs, turn around to find the drag line board on the desk in the place of an open fire, a moment to burn up.

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Guangzhou fire department reports liuhua road construction site fire accident

Guangzhou fire department reports liuhua road construction site fire accident


A fire broke out at a construction site next to 109 liuhua road in yuexiu district. Guangzhou 119 command center immediately dispatched 12 fire trucks, 51 firefighters rushed to the scene. The scene is the construction site below the ground floor fire. No one was trapped. The fire is under control.

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Quanzhou sudden fire accident, the scene like a human purgatory

Quanzhou sudden fire accident, the scene like a human purgatory


Fire heartless, when the fire happened, don't give any response to moment is likely to lead to irreparable tragedy, while the property damage, serious word will likely someone pay the precious life, therefore, is the best way to deal with fire prevention, fundamentally put an end to the occurrence of fire. On March 7, a fire accident happened in quanzhou, fujian province.

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